Day to day human resource needs.
Capability Framework
Use the framework to create roles, recruit roles, manage performance, develop capability, career planning or workforce planning.
Performance development
Performance development information and resources including the Performance Development Framework, Managing for Performance program and Talent Review Framework.
Includes the NSW Government Graduate program, recruitment and selection guide, NSW Public Service talent pools, assignments, transfers and secondment guides, onboarding and exiting information, and the NSW Aboriginal internships program.
Role descriptions
Guidelines, templates, capability comparison guide, and a library of sector role descriptions.
Strategic workforce planning
The Strategic Workforce Planning Framework and planning cycle.
NSW Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy delivers programs that aim to advance the development of our talented NSW public sector leaders.
People Manager Hub
Key policies and resources for NSW public sector people managers.
Strategy mapping guide
A guide to support senior leaders with organisational strategy.
Workforce Management Tools
Includes key resources on the Government Employee Number (GEN), position coding automated tool (PCAT), the workforce dashboard and research scientist classification.
Organisation and role design
Information on organisation and role design for HR professionals, managers and executives who are contemplating a restructure.