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Public Service Commission

Disability internship program – Stepping into

Internships are a great way of providing paid work to students with disability during their summer and winter university breaks.

The Australian Network on Disability coordinates the Stepping into internship program. This offers paid work experience to students with disability who are in their second last or last year of university. Students complete work placements during the summer and winter semester breaks.

During the internships the Australian Disability Network provides guidance and advice to interns and their managers.

The aim of this targeted internship program is to give students with disability an opportunity to be involved in meaningful work and develop their professional network. 

Benefits for agencies

By hosting an intern, agencies can:

  • Attract high potential diverse pool of candidates who are well placed to apply for the NSW Government Graduate Program or other roles in NSW Government 
  • Support the employment of people with disability
  • Increase disability confidence in NSW Government 
  • Contribute to NSW Government being an employer of choice for people with disability
  • Grow a diverse workforce which supports innovation and inclusion.

Host an intern

Find out more about how your agency can host an intern by contacting the Australian Disability Network.