Workforce dashboard
A visual analytical tool that draws data from various collections run by the PSC including the Workforce Profile, People Matter Employee Survey, 'I work for NSW' recruitment data and the agency survey.
Workforce profile reports
The annual report provides in-depth statistics and analysis on the characteristics of the NSW public sector.
Workforce profile specifications
Provides in-depth definitions for the components of the workforce profile report and may be useful in understanding the data.
State of the NSW Public Sector report
The annual report provides a time-series assessment of the key factors that influence the shape, performance and behaviour of public sector agencies and the people who work in them.
People Matter Employee Survey
The annual survey provides attitudinal data on employee demographics and experiences in their departments/agencies.
Diversity and inclusion
PSC diversity & inclusion resources
The PSC website collates information and resources on the Aboriginal workforce, age diversity, cultural diversity, disability and accessibility, gender equity, LGBTIQA+ equity and flexibility.
Mandatory annual reporting guidance
Under the Annual Reports (Departments) Regulation 2015 and the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2015, agencies are required to include workforce diversity information in their annual reports.
Assignment to role guidelines
This document provides guidance on mobility through assignment within the public service under the provisions of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (GSE Act), enabling movement of non-executive employees within a public service agency and of execut
Transfer and secondment guidelines
This document provides policy guidance on the application of 2 key mobility provisions in the GSE Act: section 64 (Employee transfers and secondments between government sector agencies) and section 66 (Secondments of staff between government sector agenci
Workforce transition
Workforce transition is the management of staff through organisational changes. This section of the employment portal provides guidance on areas including managing excess employees and change management plans.
Workforce capability
NSW Public Sector Capability Framework
The NSW Public Sector Capability Framework provides a common foundation for creating roles, recruiting to roles, managing performance, capability development, career planning and, more broadly, workforce planning.
Talent Review Framework
The NSW Public Sector Talent Review Framework is designed to drive continued improvement in identification of talent across the sector. Talent reviews help leaders and organisations better understand their people and make decisions that best support the f
ICT Career pathway framework
This is a tool to assist employees plan their career and helps managers plan development opportunities for their teams.
Occupation specific capability sets
These have been developed for job families that are common in the sector, and where functional capability building has been identified as a critical need.
Sector Role Description Library
The Sector Role Description Library, developed in consultation with the sector, is a practical resource to create consistency, support employee mobility, improve clarity around work expectations and enable more effective workforce planning.
Workforce strategy
Strategy Mapping for the NSW Public Sector
This tool drives organisational performance by helping leaders to define clear, customer-focused outcomes and objectives; communicate strategy and vision with employees, stakeholders and customers; and clarify for employees how their work fits into the bi
Premier’s and State Priorities
The Department of Premier and Cabinet routinely provide updates on the priorities of the Premier and State more broadly.
Contingent Workforce Management
The Contingent Workforce Management Guidelines provide guidance to government sector agencies to improve contingent workforce planning, management and governance.
NSW Government Commissioning and Contestability Policy
The NSW Government Commissioning and Contestability Policy outlines the Government’s vision, guiding principles and mandate for NSW Government agencies to drive customer-centric service reform and explore ways to create better service outcomes.