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Public Service Commission

Principles and high impact practices for talent review

Seven core principles and practices for impactful talent reviews.

The principles of the NSW Public Sector Talent Review Framework ensure that talent reviews are robust, outcomes focused and consistent across the NSW public sector to build confidence in talent identification. They are complemented and reinforced by a set of high impact practices.


High impact practices

1. Align with the values and culture of the organisation and the NSW public sector

  • Demonstration of values is applied as base eligibility criteria for consideration in talent reviews and development program nominations.

2. Support the future direction of the NSW public sector

  • Talent reviews are framed in context of the organisation’s strategic and workforce plans and have a future focus.

3. Respond to changing circumstances over time

  • Encourage individuals to share their openness to and readiness for career progression as input to talent discussions.
  • Hold regular conversations with individuals to understand their career interests and circumstances.
  • Regularly review talent segmentation outcomes.

4. Ensure talent decisions are informed by evidence

  • Assess potential and readiness separately to performance as inputs to talent decisions
  • Apply a tailored approach to inform the robustness of talent evidence
  • Involve multiple diverse perspectives in talent moderation discussions and decision making.
  • Confidential personal and talent information is securely managed as governed by applicable privacy legislation.

5. Categorise talent to deliver outcomes for the individual and the organisation

  • Categorise individuals into talent segments using information about performance, potential and readiness.
  • Debrief talent review outcomes with individuals to show transparency about the recommended development opportunities.
  • Use talent review outcomes to inform development plans and conversations with individuals about their development opportunities.
  • Match mobility and development opportunities to individual requirements for career growth and organisational requirements for performance.

6. Support the diversity and inclusivity of the workforce

  • Diversity and inclusion checks are in place to address bias in all steps of the talent review process. 
  • Talent reviews support the organisation’s diversity and inclusion objectives.

7. Integrate with business and people processes and practices

  • Performance review, development planning cycles and workforce planning are an input to talent reviews.