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Public Service Commission

Procurement capability set

The Procurement Professionals Capability Set consists of ten capabilities that define knowledge, skills and abilities required for procurement roles.

The ten capabilities are:

  1. Strategic Procurement Leadership
  2. Procurement Analysis
  3. Strategic Sourcing
  4. Commercial Negotiation
  5. Procurement Risk Management
  6. Supplier Relationship Management
  7. Contract Management
  8. Legislative and Policy Environment
  9. Contract Law
  10. Cost Management

The capability set works in conjunction with the Capability Framework that applies to all public sector roles. Most procurement roles require all the capabilities in the Capability Framework (at an appropriate level), including the People Management capabilities for roles responsible for managing others. 

The number of capabilities from the Procurement Professionals Capability Set that apply to a procurement role will depend on the breadth and nature of its accountabilities. Generally, not all ten capabilities are expected to apply.   
Together, the capabilities from the Capability Framework and the Procurement Professionals Capability Set are used to support:

  • role design and description
  • recruitment
  • performance management
  • learning and development, and
  • strategic workforce planning. 

Roles that belong to the procurement profession usually do not require specialised capabilities from any other occupation specific capability set. 

Procurement capability set

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Deciding whether the Procurement Professionals Capability Set is required

Some indicators to help determine whether a role requires occupation specific capabilities from the Procurement Professionals Capability Set are: 

  • specialised procurement knowledge, skill and/or ability is required 
  • specialised procurement work occupies a large part of the role, as reflected in the ‘Primary Purpose’, ‘Key Accountabilities’ and ‘Key Challenges’ in the Role Description 
  • the job title is strongly associated with the profession e.g.  Category Manager, Tendering Officer

Deciding which capability levels apply

Roles require a range of capabilities at varying levels, depending on their responsibilities. Read through the behavioural indicators for each of the capabilities that applies to the role and select the level that is the best fit.  Note that the levels in the Procurement Professionals Capability Set do not correspond directly to the levels in the Capability Framework.  

Qualifications and other role requirements

If a qualification or professional membership is an essential requirement for the role, it remains a pre-requisite for employment, and should be incorporated into the role description and recruitment process. 

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The owner of this copyright work is the State of New South Wales acting through the Public Service Commission. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Australia Attribution 3.0 licence. 

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