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Public Service Commission


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander separations are slightly higher than non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander separations across the sector. The separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees from the workforce marks an important element of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employee lifecycle, with many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees noting they often move to another agency or re-engage with the same agency at a later stage in their career. 

Exit interviews are an important element of the separation process, enabling you to learn about opportunities and challenges in the workplace and how to better support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees often prefer to have exit interviews with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people or have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support person present. It is recommended that agencies offer this option. Following an exit interview, review the feedback given and where issues of concern have been raised, take appropriate action to address those issues. 

Principles for exit interviews or surveys

When approaching and conducting exit interviews or surveys with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, you should: 

  • clearly explain the interview or survey structure 
  • encourage employees to participate, but note that participation is voluntary
  • explain how information will be captured, analysed, and used 
  • clearly outline confidentiality arrangements 
  • design and personalise culturally appropriate questions 
  • use an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander senior leader or a culturally appropriate external provider trained in cultural awareness to conduct the interview or survey 
  • ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees know that information they share about racism, harassment, discrimination and bullying will not be used to hinder their future employment in the sector, and that their feedback and insight will be used for improvement purposes. 

Considerations for separations

  • Do you know the existing process and procedures used when an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employee separates from your agency?
  • Do you take time to understand why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees in certain roles or work areas are experiencing high turnover and address potential issues?