A statement from Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation
Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation were unable to have attendees at today’s panel discussion but wish to thank the team at the Public Service Commission for taking the time to meet with our Survivors to hear firsthand their experiences as Stolen Generations Survivors. We hope that the truth telling of their journeys through the Former Cootamundra Domestic Training Home for Aboriginal Girls (1912 -1969) and beyond supports the learning and growth for all Public Servants who will undertake this important training.
A statement from Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation
The KBH Survivors congratulate The PSC on its Everyone's Business Stolen Generations Training Package. This training package has the potential to dramatically change what anyone who works in the NSW Public Service understands about our experiences and those of other Stolen Generations survivors. Importantly this training package also identifies the effects of multigenerational trauma that our families, descendants and communities live with as a result of our experiences and the policies that allowed us to be forcibly removed from our families and communities. A training package is always just a starting point. This training package needs to be embedded in all levels of the NSW Public Service. Our truth telling is transformative and we are committed to working with you on making lasting changes that will help improve our lives, the lives of our children and families and for the future. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.