A NSW Government website
Public Service Commission


Information on fostering anti-racist workplace cultures and how you can support your employees.

Racism is unlawful and is not acceptable in the NSW public sector under any circumstances. 

We all have a role to play in eradicating racism in our workplaces and ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. Everyone should have the resources and confidence to report instances of racism if they witness it and support colleagues who might experience it.

All employees have a responsibility to act lawfully, behave ethically and treat others with respect.  Government sector employees are required to uphold the government sector core values outlined in the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (GSE Act ) and the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees (Code).

NSW Secretaries Board Anti-Racism Leadership Statement

On 21 March 2024, the NSW Secretaries Board came together and committed to take a stand against racism in public sector workplaces, calling on everyone to work towards an anti-racist public sector. 

Download a copy of the statement